Do you have a great idea for Council?

Each year, Council seeks community feedback into the development and update of our Council Plan and Budget. This is your chance to submit a project, initiative, or program idea for the 2024/25 financial year.

Hume City Council residents, community groups, sporting clubs, businesses and non-for-profit organisations that live, work or operate in Hume City are welcome to submit an idea for Council’s consideration.

Ideas should demonstrate a strong community benefit that links to our long-term Community Vision and Council Plan, and is able to be delivered (or commence delivery) by Council in the 2024/25 financial year.

Developed by our community, and involving feedback from more than 8,500 people across Hume City, our long-term Community Vision is to create:

“A sustainable and thriving community with great health, education, employment, infrastructure, and a strong sense of belonging.”

Our Community Vision is supported by the following three themes:

  1. A community that is resilient, inclusive, and thriving.
  2. A city that cares about our planet, is appealing and connected.
  3. A Council that inspires leadership, is accountable, and puts the community first.

For more information about our Community Vision, visit our Council Plan.

The Council Plan outlines a series of Strategic Objectives that aim to support the realisation of the long-term Community Vision. The Budget provides the funding to deliver the plan, including Council initiatives, capital works and services.

Council's Strategic Objectives are grouped under three themes, in line with the Community Vision:

Theme 1: A community that is resilient, inclusive and thriving

  • Strategic Objective 1.1: Create learning opportunities for everyone to reach their potential through all stages of their lives.
  • Strategic Objective 1.2: Provide opportunities, and support business growth to create accessible local jobs for our diverse community.
  • Strategic Objective 1.3: Promote a healthy, inclusive and respectful community that fosters community pride and safety.
  • Strategic Objective 1.4: Strengthen community connections through local events, festivals and the arts.

Theme 2: A City that cares about our planet, is appealing and connected

  • Strategic Objective 2.1: Facilitate appropriate urban development and enhance natural environment, heritage, landscapes and rural places.
  • Strategic Objective 2.2: Demonstrate environmentally sustainable leadership and adapt to climate change.
  • Strategic Objective 2.3: Design and maintain our City with accessible spaces and a strong sense of place.
  • Strategic Objective 2.4: Connect our City through efficient and effective walking, cycling and public transport and road networks.

Theme 3: A Council that inspires leadership, is accountable and puts the community first

  • Strategic Objective 3.1: Engage and empower our community through advocacy and community engagement.
  • Strategic Objective 3.2: Deliver responsible and transparent governance, services and assets that respond to community needs.
  • Strategic Objective 3.3: Advance organisational high performance through innovation and partnerships.

Each year between September and October, Council undertakes a community survey to seek feedback on Council Plan and Budget priorities for consideration as part of the next financial year, and beyond.

The survey involves 500 telephone interviews, with a further 601 responses received online via email invitation or by visiting (a total of 1101 respondents this year).

Based on this survey, the following areas have been identified by our community as key priorities for 2024/25: