
In November 2023 we engaged community and stakeholders to help develop a draft masterplan for the Aitken Creek corridor in Craigieburn which runs between Aitken Boulevard and Merri Creek.

Feedback received from the community, key stakeholders and Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Traditional Owners has helped shape the draft masterplan, which will guide improvements that support walking and cycling, exercise, connection to nature and safety, as well as enhance and protect ecological and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage values.

What's in the draft Masterplan

After looking at community and stakeholder feedback, and undertaking our own assessments these are the main issues and opportunities included in the draft Masterplan:

  • Better waterway management and flooding

    Find ways to improve waterways and water quality management in partnership with Melbourne Water.

    Focus on areas that get flooded near Clovelly Drive

    Replace and redesign low bridges affected by flooding. Also consider having alternate routes and advisory signage

    Anything new built near, or over, the creek, will be built above predicted flood levels and approved by Melbourne Water.

  • Improve the path network including

    Wider paths, and more path connections

    Wayfinding signage and maps

    Safe, and more direct, pedestrian access across Aitken Boulevard

    Replacement of low bridges for access across the creek after rain events

    Access to Craigieburn train station and lighting to support commuter use.

  • Managing safe community access to the golf course

    Improve safety and accessibility to shared paths for community with support from Craigieburn Sporting Club.

  • Protect where Aitken Creek meets Merri Creek

    ... because this is a special place for Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people and others.

    If the State or Federal Governments plan big projects in the future we will look into ways to provide path connections into the marram baba Merri Creek Parklands.

How you can participate

The draft Aitken Creek Masterplan was available for feedback until 19 July 2024. We wanted to know what you loved and what we've missed. People could give feedback in the following ways:

Filling out a sticky note below and tell us what you love and what we've missed
Chatting with us in person (take a look at the 'come and chat' panel)
Emailing the Open Space Planning team

Areas covered by each map

image showing which maps cover which areas in the hotspot tool

Maps of key improvements

Map 1

Aerial map of the area bounded by aitken boulevard and craigieburn road. Hotspots indicate key improvements. Also shown on aerial are plans to widen existing paths and include new paths.

Map 2

Aerial map of the area from craigieburn sporting club to bridgewater road. Hotspots indicate key improvements. Also shown on aerial are plans to widen existing paths and include new paths.

Map 3

Aerial map of the area from bridgewater road to hothlyn drive. Hotspots indicate key improvements. Also shown on aerial are plans to widen existing paths and include new paths.

Map 4

Aerial map of the area hothlyn drive to hume highway. Hotspots indicate key improvements. Also shown on aerial are plans to widen existing paths and include new paths.

What I love ....

What I love .....

Tell us what you love about the draft masterplan for Aitken Creek

19 July, 2024

D Stewart says:

New bridges that are proposed are great Upgrading the paths along Aitken creek, thanks Pathway along railway line to station -useful

17 July, 2024

Hannah says:

The update of playground and facilities proposed at R4.

17 July, 2024

Phillip says:

Bins along pathway with Doggie bags, Water & Bicycle stations. Agapanthus shrubs planted along path to add color.

13 July, 2024

Ryder says:

A direct crossing of Aitken Boulevard would be very much welcome! It's great to see it being considered.

13 July, 2024

Ryder says:

Plantings and canopy. (As long as the vegetation will not grow over the paths.)

13 July, 2024

Ryder says:

Finding out what other people want. Knowing what could be done. Seeing planned improvements and acknowledgment of issues I have experienced.

13 July, 2024

David Lloyd says:

New additions. Plants are good. Better access for people and pedestrians.

11 July, 2024

jerry tinkle says:

id like to see more seating areas that cover you from the rain/sun

7 July, 2024

Dev says:

There should be bicycles and walking path connecting aitkin creek to Sikh temple on Hume highway as every weekend hundreds of people go ther

3 July, 2024

Chris says:

Protection of growling grass frogs and leg less lizards are supported and protected. The path through the golf course is good.

3 July, 2024

Angelo says:

I love that no trees are being cut down.

30 June, 2024

George says:

Improving walk-ability by improving and extending paths from Aitken Bvd to creek

What you've missed ....

You've missed .....

Tell us what you think we've missed in the draft masterplan for Aitken Creek

19 July, 2024

D Stewart says:

Convert current BMX track into a pump track Weed control could be extended to most areas Under bridge at Hothlyn-art work or vegetation

17 July, 2024

Hannah says:

Fencing updates at R10 need to include a wider gate between the gold course and Axminster Dr to improve accessibility.

17 July, 2024

Hannah says:

The path needs lighting to improve safety and accessibility during all seasons and time of day.

13 July, 2024

Ryder says:

Some relatively minor changes to paths, such as fixing sharp corners.

13 July, 2024

Joe says:

People walking their dogs off a lead, particularly through the golf course. Dogs off lead approach children.

13 July, 2024

David lloyd says:

Shared pathways - clear demarcation and signage regularly for pedestrians and cyclist to exist in harmony. posts to deter trail bikes.

13 July, 2024

Jo says:

Coordination and consistency of maintenance of planted areas, bridges, waterway and rubbish collection. More bins for dog waste.

13 July, 2024

Jo says:

Managing dogs of lead behind in the Jirrahlinga Terrace. There are feral cats in the area that need to be managed killing the wild life.

13 July, 2024

Matthew says:

Further education on endemic grasslands for community members to better understand and appreciate their local environment.

11 July, 2024

US says:

Please also develop Malcolm Creek Linear Park. You have only developed Creekwood Drive side not the Malcolm Creek Parade side. Thanks.

10 July, 2024

Zahraa says:

Benches and sheltered sitting areas along the creek path for families. Prohibit and sanction dog poo littering along the paths. No offleash.

8 July, 2024

Audrey says:

Concerned about reducing the off-lead dog area on map 4. Propose keeping both banks accessible and adding path lights for safety.