Arts and Cultural Infrastructure Plan


In response to community feedback received over the last 12 months, Hume City Council has developed Creative Places: An Arts and Cultural Infrastructure Plan.

The draft Plan is based on research, community consultation, and a comprehensive needs analysis.

The draft Plan identifies gaps in our provision of places and spaces for arts and culture and presents meaningful proposals to address these gaps, including a draft schedule of projects to be considered in future capital works planning and budgeting.

The Arts Infrastructure Plan will give Council the framework for delivery of a network of creative spaces and services across the City over time.

You can read a summary (18 pages) of the plan here.

The full plan (113 pages) is available here.

Council is now seeking community feedback to make sure it reflects the needs and expectations of Hume’s community (including artists, community members, organisations, and creative industry).

How to participate

You can choose to make a formal online or postal submission, or provide feedback through a variety of other methods. Regardless of which way you choose to provide your input, Council will consider your feedback on its individual merits. The ways you can provide feedback include:

Filing out a short online survey

Making notes on the Plan itself, see below

Emailing the Arts and Culture Team your suggestions and feedback

Phoning the Arts and Culture Team to share your views on 9205 2200. We will happily arrange for conversations in your preferred language.


Draft Arts and Cultural Infrastructure Plan

Take a look at the draft Plan and have your say. You can place pins and comments directly on the document while reading through other comments already placed.

Click here to take a look and participate at the draft Plan