Latest update
The Draft Open Space Strategy is out for consultation until 16 June 2024.
For more information head to the Open Space Strategy Page.
Over the next 20 years Hume's population is forecast to grow from 258,000 people to over 350,000 people. At the same time, our existing community is anticipated to change with more older people and fewer children, and greater diversity in the type of households. This creates many demands for more and different services and infrastructure.
We are responding to these needs by planning a more livable and resilient future for Hume that responds to our forecasted population growth and the changing needs and expectations of our community.
We are preparing two important documents that will guide how we plan, design and manage Council owned/managed community infrastructure and open spaces into the future. Please help us shape these documents so that they are aligned with your needs and expectations.
Click on the headings below to view more information...
The draft Community Infrastructure Plan will guide our planning, design and management of the following categories of community infrastructure:
- Community facilities and spaces – including community centres, meeting spaces, men’s sheds, creative arts spaces, community gardens, and cultural facilities
- Lifespan service spaces – including spaces for maternal child health, early years, children, youth and seniors’ services
- Learning spaces and places – including Global Learning Centres, library services, co-working spaces, visitor centres and museums
- Civic spaces and places – including administration and customer service centres
- Community health, support & aged care – including consulting spaces for community health services, wellness and allied health programs.
The draft Plan outlines:
- Principles for our community infrastructure to be more accessible, sustainable and responsive to community needs and expectations
- Priorities to ‘grow’, ‘enhance’ and ‘optimise’ our community infrastructure
- The actions we will undertake to improve our community infrastructure.
The draft Plan has been informed by extensive analysis of current and future population trends, discussions with service providers, and close consideration of feedback in previous community engagement. We want to hear what you think of the draft principles and the community infrastructure priorities in the Precincts that are important to you.
You can download and review the Community Infrastructure Plan here.
The Open Space Strategy will guide our planning, design and management of our extensive open space network to meet multiple functions into the future, including increased tree canopy within the city.
Our work on preparing a new Open Space Strategy is in the early stages. We have undertaken some initial community engagement and prepared a Background Paper that has informed the identification of:
- a new vision and principles for our open space network to be diverse, resilient, equitable, accessible and multi-functional
- priority locations to ‘grow’, ‘optimise’ and ‘protect’ Hume’s open space network.
We want to hear what you think of the draft principles, and the priority locations in the precincts that are important to you.
You can download and review the Open Space Strategy Background Paper here.
Both the Community Infrastructure Plan and Open Space Strategy identify needs and priorities across 13 precincts within Hume.
Click on a precinct below to view more details and to provide feedback.

How to participate
We'd love to hear your thoughts on draft Community Infrastructure Plan and the Draft Open Space Strategy. This consultation closes on 14 March 2023. To provide your feedback, you can:
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Let us know what you like or dislike about the Draft Community Infrastructure Plan by making comments in the document below |
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Fill out an online survey to let us know your thoughts on our community infrastructure and open space principles |
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Provide feedback on our community infrastructure and open space priorities for individual precincts by choosing precincts from the map above |
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Email the team about the Draft Community Infrastructure Plan or the Open Space Strategy Background Paper |
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Phone the City Strategy Team on 9205 2200. We will happily arrange for conversations in languages other than English. |
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Post to Hume City Council, PO Box 119, Dallas Vic 3047 |
Draft Community Infrastructure Plan
Browse through the draft Community Infrastructure Plan and have your say. You can place pins and comments directly on the document while reading through other comments already placed.