Latest update

A huge thank you to everyone that submitted feedback and their views on domestic animal management in Hume.

The 2023-2026 Domestic Animal Management Plan was adopted by Council on 28 August 2023.

See the Hume City Council website for more information on responsible pet ownership and to the read the 2023-2026 Domestic Animal Management Plan.


Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 (Vic), every Victorian local government must develop and implement a Domestic Animal Management Plan.

A Domestic Animal Management Plan outlines how a Council will manage dogs, cats and other domestic animals within its community and aims to promote responsible pet ownership, the welfare of animals, and the protection of the community and environment from cats and dogs.

We are currently reviewing the Hume City Council Domestic Animal Management Plan 2017-2021 and we’re asking the Hume community for your thoughts on:

  • responsible dog and dog owner behaviours
  • responsible cat and cat owner behaviours
  • the introduction of a cat curfew in Hume, and
  • Hume’s current domestic animal management local laws and programs.

This will help shape our priorities for the new Domestic Animal Management Plan.

How to participate

This consultation closed 17 April 2023. Feedback could be shared with us by:

Filling out the online survey

 Emailing your feedback to the City Laws team

 Phoning the City Laws team

 Posting to Hume City Council, PO Box 119, Dallas Vic 3047

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