
In April/May 2023 we asked about your favourite things in this space and what you would like to see in the new playspace. We took your feedback and now have a draft concept plan to share with you.

The focus of the concept plan is the replacement of the ageing playspace and improvements to the surrounding landscape. The draft concept proposes:

  • New play equipment including a multi-play unit, swing set, climbing frame, spinner and rocker
  • A new shelter and BBQ
  • New seats and picnic tables.

Check out the concept plan

Concept design of area - aerial view of placement of equipment and amenities such as seating and a new bbq and drink fountain. There will be new garden beds and bolders

How to participate

The images above indicate the proposed components, feel and character of the improvements. We would love your feedback on:

  • The proposed play equipment
  • The proposed shelter, and locations of the park furniture.

People could have their say by Friday 24 May 2024 by:

filling out a sticky note in the tool below
emailing the Infrastructure Delivery team
giving the Infrastructure Delivery team a call

What do you love

What do you love

Tell us what you love about the concept plan.

15 May, 2024

Chloe says:

Looks good but Must put in toilets! It's a cheap 'upgrade'. Check out Whittlesea parks. Now they have good parks. Bradford av needs fixing

15 May, 2024

Rose says:

Firstly theres not much to the plan Its not really an upgrade its just swapping playgrounds Carpark space,water sand park,bike track

14 May, 2024

Sylvia Maksymiw says:

plans for car parking spaces ?? this is suggested due to the houses opposite the park as at times there could be alot of visitors

10 May, 2024

manal zgheib says:

Yes it definitely needs a new improvement. Equipment that allows our children to go outside and play.

9 May, 2024

Dean Moles says:

Add a dog drinking bowl and water bottle filling station to existing water fountain. Also make dog area. Toilet facilities

5 May, 2024

David says:

Great for young kids, what about young teens. Try include a basketball ring and even a wall to hit a tennis ball

4 May, 2024

Ana says:

A few parking spots as currently we have to park our cars on the street and in summer it can get busy.

1 May, 2024

Saada says:

We need toilets

30 April, 2024

Krste Jankoski says:

Hi I'm Greenvale resident ,.We use the park very often with my grandchildren . excellent project but I think we need TOALETS .

30 April, 2024

Laura-Marie Eid says:

I love everything about it and I really hope it goes ahead.

30 April, 2024

Norbert says:

The multiplay and climbing frame are a great inclusion.

28 April, 2024

Jess says:

Upgrade of multi play unit. Keeping of swings and new climbing frame.

What would you change

What would you change?

What would you change about the concept plan?

16 May, 2024

Anita says:

Please add more play equipment for toddlers … and more colourful approach. The concept looks like it caters only for children 8 upwards

16 May, 2024

John says:

8 seat rocker is impractical.

16 May, 2024

Amanda says:

More toddler friendly equipment (for 1 and 2 year olds). Less equipment that have ropes. Those are not safe as kids can fall from them.

15 May, 2024

Gvale fam says:

Love the playground but toilets are required anywhere there is a BBQ or people can't go and utilise it as planned!

15 May, 2024

Rebbecca says:

Great idea, but you absolutely need toilets!!!

14 May, 2024

Meg says:

Insure the multi play space is accessible to all ages. Include GOOD water play. Seabrook Reserve was a fail, so little for younger kids.

4 May, 2024

Kev says:

The 8 seater rocker could be replaced with something else as usually its parents with there small kids and not big groups who would use this

2 May, 2024

Kevin says:

2 or 3 parking spaces in the grass area in front of the play park. Currently people park on our nature strips and destroy the grass quickly

1 May, 2024

R.Kassas says:

Could you please add a few bins for dog owners to dispose of their dog’s business as the current ones are in one particular area only.

30 April, 2024

Laura-Marie Eid says:

I wouldn’t change anything about the plan. I think it’s brilliant and would love it to go ahead.

29 April, 2024

Nelly says:

Please add a dog water drinking bowl/tap 🙏🙏🙏

28 April, 2024

Kemal Ramadan says:

No bbq as people leave rubbish behind. Bad enough people pass dump rubbish and food packages thinking it's Mcdonald's carpark. what picnic?