
Council has undertaken a significant body of work to review Council’s previous local law and to develop the new draft General Purpose Local Law. This has included:

  • Analysis of Council service request data
  • Internal consultation with Council departments
  • Consultation with key safety partners, such as Victoria police
  • Benchmarking with other Councils
  • Issues analysis and exploration of possible responses
  • Workshops with Councillors

In addition to the above activities, Council has considered comments and feedback provided by over 600 local residents who participated in a local law community survey and focus groups that were conducted in September and October 2022.

Why should I participate

During the public exhibition period, community members will be provided with a final opportunity to provide feedback and comments on the draft local law before it is presented to Councillors for final consideration and adoption.

All comments and feedback from provided by residents during the public exhibition period will be assessed by Council officers and, where appropriate, presented for Councillor consideration as part of the local law adoption process.

How to participate

The public exhibition period ended at close of business Friday 31 March 2023. Many thanks to over 100 people who commented on the draft document and those who sent feedback by email. We are now assessing all of the feedback and considering how it can inform the final General Purpose Local Law.

leaving comments on the document
emailing the City Safety team
posting Hume City Council, Local Law Review, PO Box 119, Dallas, VIC 3047


Draft General Purposes Local Law

Thank you to everyone who commented on the draft General Purposes Local Law and have your say. We are now reviewing and considering all of the feedback.