
Residential Parking Permits allow residents to park on the street and exempt them from complying with the corresponding parking restriction where the sign indicates that the permit is excepted. Hume City Council’s Residential Parking Permit Policy (Policy) outlines the resident’s eligibility for parking permits.

Parking from major facilities and railway stations can cause congestion in nearby residential streets and limits the opportunity for residents to park. Parking restrictions are introduced to create a fairer use of street parking.

Key changes to the Policy

Council’s Residential Parking Permit Policy is under review and the following key amendments have been recommended:

  • If a third residential parking permit is requested the fee for the 3-year life of the permit will increase from $25.00 to $60.00 (i.e. from $8.34 to $20.00 per year) Note - the first two permits are still free of charge.
  • If a permit is lost and needs to be replaced the fee will increase from $25.00 to $30.00
  • New multi-unit developments with four or more dwellings, and existing multi-unit developments with four or more dwellings that are not within an existing permit area, will not be eligible for a residential parking permit.
  • Residential parking permits can be used in areas with time-limited parking where the sign indicates that the permit is excepted. If using a residential permit the time limits do not apply.

The Policy is currently under review and Council is considering your feedback.

an online feedback form
phone 9356 6924
post the Traffic Team, Hume City Council, PO Box 119, Dallas Vic 3047