Keeping Roxburgh Park West on the move

As part of Hume City Council’s ongoing commitment to Local Area Traffic Management (LATM), Council is undertaking a study of traffic issues within the Roxburgh Park West Area bounded by Aitken Boulevard, James Mirams Drive, Bridgewater Road, Donald Cameron Drive, Roxburgh Park Drive and Somerton Road. We are seeking your feedback on traffic issues within the study area that you would like Council to further investigate.

The type of feedback you provide could be related to:

Traffic Pedestrians and Cycling Parking
Speeding issues Access and connectivity Parking restrictions
Safety issues Cycling lanes/paths Parking congestion
Congestion issues Footpaths and shared paths Safety issues

Local Area Traffic Management Study Process

  1. Seek community feedback on traffic issues within the area (now)
  2. Investigate and develop a draft plan to address the issues
  3. Share the draft plan with the local community for feedback

Note: Funding of up to $252,500 has been proposed in the 2027/28 Council to commence implementation of actions. Projects that are beyond the scope of this initial funding will be considered for future funding under Council’s Capital Works Program.

How to participate

Let us know what issues you are experiencing by Sunday 13 April 2025:

drop a pin on the online map below
Email the Traffic Team
Phone Traffic Team 9356 6786
Post Hume City Council, PO Box 119, Dallas Vic 3047