Keeping Sunbury South on the move

As part of Hume City Council’s ongoing commitment to Local Area Traffic Management (LATM), Council is undertaking a study of traffic issues within the Sunbury South Area bounded by Gap Road, Vineyard Road and the Calder Freeway.

In September 2021, Council sought community input into the LATM via an online mapping tool to identify areas for consideration or improvement. More than 410 responses were received from the community.

This feedback has been reviewed and used to form the basis of a proposed traffic management plan to address the issues raised by the community. In addition to community input, the study has considered:

  • Traffic speeds and volumes
  • Casualty crashes
  • Pedestrian and cycling connectivity
  • Parking issues.

Council is proposing to install traffic treatments as shown on the enclosed Proposed Traffic Management Plan. These proposals are preliminary, and before Council makes any decisions on the treatments, we would like to hear your opinions on what is being proposed.

Local Area Traffic Management Study Process

  1. Seek community feedback on traffic issues within the area (completed)
  2. Investigate and develop a draft plan to address the issues (completed)
  3. Share the draft plan with the local community for feedback (now)

Note: Funding of up to $225,000 has been proposed in the 2023/24 Council budget to commence implementation of actions. Projects that are beyond the scope of this initial funding will be considered for future funding under Council’s Capital Works Program.

How to participate

To provide feedback, people used one of the options below:

Providing feedback via an online map
Emailing the team
Phoning the team
Mailing the team