
Hume City Council is planning improvements to Vaucluse Avenue Reserve in Gladstone Park. We invite the community to participate in providing feedback on the draft concept plan.

The focus of the concept plan is replacement of the ageing playspace and improvements to the surrounding landscape.

The draft concept proposes:

  • New play equipment including:
    • a multi-play unit
    • swing set
    • and rocker.

How to participate

The images above indicate the proposed components, feel and character of the improvements. We would love your feedback on:

  • The proposed play equipment.

Community members could have their say by Friday 5 July 2024 by:

filling out a sticky note in the tool below
emailing the Infrastructure Delivery team
giving the Infrastructure Delivery team a call on 03 9205 2200

I love ....

What do you love about it

Thanks for telling us what you loved about the concept plan.

2 July, 2024

BA says:

The new equipment is a pleasant upgrade

2 July, 2024

Jess says:

I love the added tree's as long as they will be large enough to provide shade as the design does not contain much.

1 July, 2024

Jacqui says:

What a disappointing upgrade. This is a bare minimum concept that will do nothing to attract families to play outdoors.

21 June, 2024

local says:

Appears same playground with an extra swing ?

14 June, 2024

Fatima says:

The new play equipment and trees added

14 June, 2024

Linda says:

Not a lot at the moment . Looks like a council that don’t care and spend money on their employees not doing much rather than the community

I would change ....

What would you choose to change

Thanks for telling us what would you change about the concept plan. We will take this feedback and assess how it will affect the design.

2 July, 2024

Jac says:

Basically whatever you have planned for Craigieburn, if you could just do it here, that would be great.

2 July, 2024

AdrianL says:

Have toilets, some shade and some sporting equipment such as a basketball half court

2 July, 2024

Jessica says:

I would change adding a bike track around the playground. I see Craigieburn and Mickleham get so much more advanced designs. And a fence.

2 July, 2024

Fay says:

This is not an upgrade ?

2 July, 2024

Amanda says:

The play equipment is not enough, more undercover areas with tables and chairs. Gated play area for safety. This plan needs to be improved

2 July, 2024

Michael says:

Local Park has been a history treasure to all the families of Gladstone park, including mine. We would rather not have it changed at all!

1 July, 2024

Dee says:

Some examples of great parks all abilities park in millpark and eltham north adventure playground. Please go out and see these!

1 July, 2024

Dee says:

Mini bike track with traffic signs. Sand pit with mini excavators. Wooden playground! Pretend play stations! More Undercover tables

1 July, 2024

Fouad says:

use haven’t changed anything ? At lead put a basket ball hoop or soccer goals

1 July, 2024

A says:

Have the same equipment the pink all ability equipment- same one you have in westmeadows park. Also gym type equipment, make it an all ages.

1 July, 2024

Joe says:

It’s pretty much the same lay out ? Come on you can do better than that ..!!!

1 July, 2024

Sarah says:

I would personally like to see either a gym set up, or either enclosed dog park the back bit behind the playground. Or kids bike jumps.